Hello Dear Friends!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I'm new to this blogging adventure and I must say, I LOVE it!! The first thing that I do each morning is wake up and look at my comments. Thank you for taking time out of your day to leave a little message!
As you know, if you have been following the Blog Hop, Lissa from Moda (a genius to be sure...and very kind too!) asked the Moda designers to create a pillow that told a little about our journey as a designer. We shared it in a schoolhouse session at Market and now are sharing it here.
I decided to draw most of my design since I don't design quilts or patterns (not without the help of Moda anyway!).
The images are all favorites from some of my past fabric collections. There is an urn from "Harvest Bouquet", a bird from "Cherish Nature", a shock of wheat from Fabulous Fall, a dragonfly from "Summer Fun", a flower from "Fresh Flowers" and a butterfly from "Daydreams." Can you find them all? I also added the word "Create" because that is a very special word to me. I try to "create" something every day. It might be a painting, a fabric pattern, a special memory or just a mess in the kitchen! But somehow, I try to be creative each day.
The fabric used on the pillow is from "Cherish Nature." I love the gentle feel of the patterns and the colors. One of my favorite groups!
I've been a Moda fabric designer since 1996 (15 years!) and have always felt so fortunate to be with such a wonderful company. Previously, I was an art teacher for 9 years and in 1995, my husband and I started a small greeting card company, Saltbox Illustrations. After attending a trade show in Charlotte, I was approached by Moda to design fabric. What an incredible relationship it has been!
We have three wonderful children and two very dear grandsons (twins) that light up our lives.
Now for the questions that Lissa asked us to answer....(I've learned so much about the other designers from these questions. What amazing, talented people to work with!)
What is a little known fact about yourself? I hand paint all of my fabric, every colorway, every coordinate! These are some of the more challenging ones from "Pumpkin and Spice."
I haven't had to use a magnifying glass yet...but may in the future!
How do you relax? I really enjoy a good book. I'm also an old movie buff..... love to watch old movies when I paint!
What do you sleep in? Warm, soft pj pants, an old t-shirt and 2-3 pair of socks depending on the season. (Not too glamorous is it?)
What kind of pillow do you like? I can sleep anywhere, on anything! It is a gift. Once, during a very busy time in our lives, I fell asleep in my supper. You can ask my husband, it is the truth!
When you were young did you sleep with a stuffed animal? I can't remember sleeping with a special stuffed animal, but always had the family cat next to me when I went to sleep.
Do you sew in bed? Read? Watch TV? Eat? Sometimes read or watch the news, but usually fall asleep as soon as I hit the bed.
Have you or your spouse spent nights on the couch? Only when our grandsons spend the night!
Nighttime toddy? Does hot chocolate count?
Early to bed or all-nighter? I used to stay up really late or even all night. Now, I work so much better in the morning. I think it is an age thing!
Who would you most like to have a pillow fight with? My two grandsons when they are a little older!
Thanks again for visiting my blog! Please be sure to stop by next week when I show my newest line of fabric. My samples just arrived!
Now for the give-a-way!
Since I am new to blogging, I would really like to know what you would like to hear about in my blog: inspiration, family, new projects, etc? Just leave a comment letting me know and on Feb. 23rd, I'll be giving away these 4 gifts.
Collection of Figurines, Stationery Products and 5x5" fabric squares from
"Cherish Nature" |
Jelly Roll from "Fresh Flowers" |
10 Fat Quarters of Valentine's Fabric
(Because it IS February!) |
2 Scripture Quilts and a Fat Quarter Package
Thanks again for visiting,