Welcome to Deb Strain's studio...

Welcome to Deb Strain's studio...

Friday, April 29, 2011

A Visit To Moda

Hello Dear Friends,

Hope that you have all been well and are survivng this challenging spring weather!

Since I won't be attending The International Quilt Market this spring in Salt Lake City, my younger daughter,  Katie and I visited Moda in Dallas, Texas.  What a wonderful trip we had!  I thought you might enjoy seeing some of the Moda facilities and where all of the "Magic" happens.  It really is impressive! It was a very quick trip but we really enjoyed it.

Katie is a textile major in college and everyone at Moda was so generous in showing her around and answering any questions that she might have about the industry.

In one of the warehouses, Moda employees measure out the bolts of fabric that you see in your favorite Quilt store from larger rolls of fabric.

Fabric orders are shipped from here in one of the warehouses.

The warehouses are so big, employees get around on bicycles!

Searching for my fabric lines in the Moda archives.....

Found them!

Thanks for all of your kindness on our visit Moda!

Have a great weekend, dear friends,


  1. Can't get over how clean and organized everything is. Wonderful - and then we get our hands on it. Judy C

  2. Wow! it is amazing what goes on behind the scenes, thankyou for sharing these fascinating photos!!!

  3. That must have been so much fun. I kind of expected it to look like a big quilt shop! Thanks for giving us the tour.
